Friday, March 13, 2009

Pi Day Celebration

On Monday, March 16th we will have a small "Pi Day" celebration.

Please bring in circular food items (snacks) to share with your classmates. If you are planning to bring in a pie, please remember that you also need to bring in plates and utensils.

Healthy round snacks are encouraged!

Pi Day Preparation:

  • Bring in circular objects

  • Make a Pi poster

  • Make and wear your Pi t-shirt

  • Write an original Pi poem, song or rap

  • Memorize some of the digits of Pi

  • Practice drawing circles freehand

  • Practice drawing circles with different diameters without using a ruler

Happy Day!!

Please note that during this math celebration we will be enjoying our circular food, as well as exploring the relationship between the circumference of a circle and the diameter. We will have a fun day learning about Pi!


  1. Do we have to do everything on your "Pi Day Preparation" list?

  2. You are not required to complete all the items on the list.
