Friday, March 13, 2009

8-2 Pi Day Celebration

Please read the previous posting about Monday's small celebration. In addition, please share the information with the students that were not in class.

Please post a comment stating that you have read the posting. Be sure to include your name.


  1. hii!umm...i have a question...wat type of food r we supposed to bring?

    - Stephanie

  2. I would recommend a snack that is easy to share (as well as round). Some students in my other class mentioned that they are bringing in cookies or chips.

  3. Students are encouraged to bring in healthy round snacks.

  4. Janny.....
    hi ms nuzzo! um do we have to bring a poster along with a shirt or just one of them? Also do we have to decorate the poster?

  5. It would be great if you can make a t-shirt and wear it on Monday! If you are unable to do so, then you can make a Pi poster.

  6. Hi Ms.Nuzzo this is Joshelle, Can i Bring in a Bag of Skittles?

  7. wat round snacks should we bring

  8. what was the math homework?

  9. Hi Mrs.Nuzzo! I read your note! Does that mean i am a good student? LOL! Just joking. I will bring in something for tomorrow and will probably make a new t-shirt. Lets see if i can find my old one. If i can then lets see if i can fit it.( i grew!)Thank You!
    - Pamela Liu
