Monday, March 30, 2009

Quadratic's Quiz

Here is the quiz that you took in class today. Review all questions.

8-2 Regents Preparation

All students need to start preparing for the regents. Review topics and questions found in your Barron's book, in addition to examples in your textbook and the websites listed to the right under "8-2 Regents Information."

The Integrated Algebra regents will be give on Friday, Jun 19th.

Math Assessment

8-7/ 8-10 Assessment on Friday
8-2 Two Assessments- Friday (8th grade) and Monday (Regents Predictive)

  • Remember to bring in pencils.
  • Review your notes.

Friday, March 27, 2009

8-6/ 8-7 Graphing Quiz Tomorrow!

Remember to study :)

8-6/ 8-7 Reminder Graphing Quiz tomorrow!!

Online graphing calculator

You can practice using a graphing calculator online. It is not the same one that we are using in class.
Online graphing calculator

In class we are using the TI-83 Plus. If anyone finds an application online that has a virtual TI-83 Plus (similar to the one I showed you in class) please post the information for the rest of the class.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

8-2 Quadratic Quiz

Videos 1

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

8-2 Review Graphing Calculator Tips

Review the tips below for using the TI-83 Plus graphing calculator .

Graphing Calculator Tips

8-2 Algebraic Fractions

Study Chapter 14 and complete the assignments below.

If you are having difficulty with the topics review the lessons below and complete the practice examples:

Algebraic Fractions Lessons and Practice

Friday April 3rd Math Assessment

Students will be taking a math assessment next Friday, April 3rd. Review your notes and remember to bring in #2 pencils.

For results of the previous assessments you can review your results online at In most cases your USERNAME is your first and last name (without any spaces). Your PASSWORD is your student id number.

Please review the questions that you got incorrect. Most students have not accessed their results. Please review the results and speak with me if you are unable to access this information.

Pythagorean Theorem Project

  • Prove the 3, 4, 5 right triangle or the 6, 8, 10 or the 12, 13, 15 and a triangle of your choice

  • Measure and cut out the two triangles

  • Evaluate a^2+ b^2= c^2 for both triangles

  • Form your own conclusion about whether the Pythagorean Theorem works

  • Make sure the project is neat!!!

  • Include your Name and Class

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

8-7/ 8-10 Reminders

Pythagorean Theorem Project
Test corrections and signature

Sunday, March 22, 2009

8-7/ 8-10 Homework

Complete questions #1-18.

8-7/ 8-10 Pythagorean Theorem Project

Tuesday in class we will be proving the Pythagorean Theorem. Please bring in the following supplies:

  • about 3 pieces of construction paper
  • a ruler
  • a pair of scissors
  • markers

Friday, March 20, 2009

8-2 Graphing Calculators Tips

In class we will begin using a graphing calculator for the Integrated Algebra regents. Review the tips below for using the TI-83 Plus.

Graphing Calculator Tips

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Study for Friday's Test!

8-2 Regents Books

It is recommended that you purchase the Barron's Regents Exams and Answers Books for both your Math and Science classes.

Math- Integrated Algebra
Science- Earth Science

Barron's website

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Math Dictionary Project (8-10)

Begin working on your math dictionary project. Click on the image below for a detailed description of the project. Please see me if you have any questions.

Monday, March 16, 2009

8-7/ 8-10 Pythagorean Theorem, Factoring and Polynomial Test Friday

Study Videos:
Pythagorean Video 1

Pythagorean Video 2

Factoring the GCF

Factoring Trinomials

Study Websites: Review all lessons, practice examples and quizzes.

Multiplying Polynomials

Pythagorean Theorem

8-2 Chapter 12 Test on Friday

Simplifying Radicals Video

Simplifying Expressions with Radicals in the Denominators

Adding and Subtracting Radicals Video

Multiplying Radicals Video

Dividing Radicals Video


Please remind your parent/guardian to complete the learning environment survey. (The survey in the green envelopes.)

This survey is extremely important for our school. Thank you for assistance.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Digits of Pi

3.1415926535 8979323846 2643383279 5028841971 6939937510 5820974944 5923078164 0628620899 8628034825 3421170679 ...

8-2 Pi Day Celebration

Please read the previous posting about Monday's small celebration. In addition, please share the information with the students that were not in class.

Please post a comment stating that you have read the posting. Be sure to include your name.

Pi Day Celebration

On Monday, March 16th we will have a small "Pi Day" celebration.

Please bring in circular food items (snacks) to share with your classmates. If you are planning to bring in a pie, please remember that you also need to bring in plates and utensils.

Healthy round snacks are encouraged!

Pi Day Preparation:

  • Bring in circular objects

  • Make a Pi poster

  • Make and wear your Pi t-shirt

  • Write an original Pi poem, song or rap

  • Memorize some of the digits of Pi

  • Practice drawing circles freehand

  • Practice drawing circles with different diameters without using a ruler

Happy Day!!

Please note that during this math celebration we will be enjoying our circular food, as well as exploring the relationship between the circumference of a circle and the diameter. We will have a fun day learning about Pi!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Pi Day is March 14th!

In class we will be exploring the irrational number "Pi." If you would like to design a T-shirt, please bring one in on Friday.

Explore fun facts about Pi.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Monday, March 9, 2009

Tutoring tomorrow

If you have questions you can see me tomorrow period 6.

Good Luck on your State Math Test!!

Remember to:

  • read all questions carefully
  • underline important information.
  • find your own answer before looking at the multiple choice answers (don't fall for the distractor answers)
  • focus
  • look over your work (If you finish early you should look over all questions carefully. Double check that you answered the question that was asked and completed all the required tasks).

Homework Answers

  1. B
  2. B
  3. B
  4. B
  5. B
  6. B
  7. D
  8. B
  9. B
  10. D
  11. D
  12. B
  13. A
  14. A
  15. A
  16. A
  17. A
  18. B
  19. B (There is an error when x= 3 y should be equal to 10. It incorrectly says 9.)
  20. B
  21. B
  22. B

Homework Answers will be posted at 7pm

I apologize for the delay. I had SES after school today.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Today's Review Session

I want to thank everyone that attended today's review session. I hope it was helpful. You all did a fabulous job and I am extremely proud of all you! If you still have questions you can see me Monday during lunch.
Remember to:
  • read all questions carefully
  • underline important information.
  • find your own answer before looking at the multiple choice answers (don't fall for the distractor answers)
  • focus
  • look over your work

I wish you the best of luck next week. I know you will all do well. :)

Friday, March 6, 2009

Identify the transformation shown in the picture below.

Review Session Tomorrow

You can only attend tomorrow’s review session if you have already given me a permission slip.

A few reminders:

  • Come ready to work!
  • Please meet me in the back rows of the auditorium.
  • Bring paper, pencils and your calculator (if you have one).
  • Please bring $4 for pizza. You will need to bring in your own drink.

Please inform your classmates and friends of the information above. I look forwarding to seeing you tomorrow!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

State Math Test This Tuesday and Wednesday

1- Bring in #2 pencils.
2- If you have your own calculator please show it to me before the test.
Students may only use scientific calculators.
3- Have a healthy breakfast.
4- Be on time to school.
5- Encourage all your classmates to come to school. For all classes that have 100% attendance there will be a reward!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Take your time to answer all homework questions carefully. Please be sure to read all the questions and directions.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Transformations Rap Video

Review the definitions of translation, reflection, rotation and dilation while watching teachers rap.

Extra Credit

8-2 Extra Credit projects are due on Tuesday

8-7/ 8-10 Extra Credit projects are due on Thursday

Multiplication Game

Practice your multiplication table while having fun!

Converting temperature

Practice converting from the following Celsius temperatures into Fahrenheit:

  • 100°

  • 20°

  • 17°

  • 37°

Use the formula: F = (9/5)C+32°

For example, to convert a Celsius temperature of 100 into degrees Fahrenheit, first multiply the Celsius temperature by nine-fifths to get 180. Then add 32 to 180 and get 212°F.

You can check your answers with the conversion table all the way at the bottom of the page. Try making up your own examples and solving them as well.