Thursday, February 11, 2010


Third Marking Period

The third marking period began on Monday February 1st. Please discuss with your

child strategies for being successful this marking period.


Please ensure that your child has all their required supplies with them on a daily basis.

Students are required to have a binder with loose-leaf paper, and pencils everyday. It is

also recommended that students have a scientific calculator. A scientific calculator is

required for Book 2 and 3 and it is important that students feel comfortable using one.

Vacation Homework due February 22, 2010

Students will be given a Sample Math Test over the February break. Please

ensure that your child completes this assignment and takes it seriously.

NY State Math Exam

The NY State Math Exam will be given on May 5th and 6th. Please mark your calendars. It is extremely important that students begin preparing for the exam.

The exam format is as follows:

Day 1

Book 1

Book 2

27 Multiple Choice questions

4 Short response

2 Extended response

Approximate time

50 minutes

40 minutes

Day 2

Book 3

8 Short response

4 Extended response

70 minutes


Students have taken two math assessments this year. Please review the results at In most cases your USERNAME is your child’s first and last name (without any spaces). Your PASSWORD is your student id number. It is imperative that students review the questions they got incorrect. Most students have not accessed their results. Please review the results and speak with me if you are unable to access this information.

Multiplication Table

Students need to have their multiplication table memorized up to 12 x 12.


Homework will be given almost every night. The homework will review concepts taught in class, as well as material on the NY State Exam. Please ensure that your child completes his/her homework on a daily basis so they don’t fall behind in class. Homework is worth 15% of your child’s grade.

Parent Teacher Conference

The Parent Teacher conference will be held on February 25th. If you would like to discuss your child’s progress beforehand, please call me at the school.

TIP of the MONTH: (ask your child to explain how they remember the two definitions below)
complementary angles: two angles that add up to 90°

supplementary angles: two angles that add up to 180°

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