Wednesday, April 1, 2009

8-7/ 8-10 Reminder

Hello 8-7/ 8-10,
I hope these last two days have been going well. I will be back in school on Friday. I have many important items that I would like to share:

  • 8th grade math Assessment on Friday (bring in pencils)
  • Review for Friday's Assessment
  • Review math scores from Acuity assessments taken earlier in the year.
  • Bring in all HW assignments from this week
  • Journal due: Predict what grade you got for the 3rd quarter. Be specific.
  • Vacation HW: You will be given a practice Regents exam, as well as a project. Directions for the project will be posted in a subsequent submission.
  • In June, all students will be responsible for teaching a lesson to the class. Start thinking and researching a project that you would like to teach. I would recommend teaching an Integrated Algebra topic.

Please post a comment to the blog stating that you have read the above. In addition, please inform all your classmates to read this posting and post a comment.


Mrs. Nuzzo Ziegler

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