Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Regents Review Live! 2009

Wednesday, May 6, 2009
4:30 PM - 6:00PM

Integrated Algebra Regents Information

Review this PowerPoint for important information on the IA Regents.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Box and Whisker Plot

Review the link below on how to construct a Box and Whisker Plot on your graphing calculator.

Graphing Calculator Tips

Review the information under Algebra.

Graphing Calculator Tips

Extra Credit

Extra Credit #1
Extra Credit #2
Extra Credit #3

Science Tests

Friday, April 24, 2009

***Reminder*** Learning Environment Survey Due today

Today is the last day for parents to complete the Learning Environment Survey.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

What are your S.M.A.R.T. goals?

Review your 4th quarter goals.

  • What math skill are you focusing on this quarter? (specific)
  • How can you measure your goal? (measurement)
  • When are you planning to accomplish this goal? (timely)
  • How are going to accomplish your goal? What steps are you going to take? (specific)

8-7/ 8-10 Inequalities Quiz on Friday

Review the link below for lessons and practice examples on inequalities.

Inequalities Review

Monday, April 20, 2009

Trigonometric Ratios

8-2 Chapter 13 Test on Friday

Review Chapter 13 in your textbook. You can also review the following links for additional practice, as well as your Barrons review book:

Quadratic Equations
Linear-Quadratic Systems
Videos (Review the videos under Chapter 10. The videos are from a different textbook, which is why the chapter numbers are different.)

Be sure to review the word problems in the textbook.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Practice Regents Exam

You can find the vacation packets below. Please be sure to make two answers keys. You will hand in the offical answer key for Part 1. Be sure to read the cover as it contains important information about the test.

Due on Monday, April 20th

Good Luck! :)

8-2 Regents Assignment January 2009

8-7/ 8-10 Regents Assignment August 2008

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

8-2 Math Dictionary Project

For your project you should select words from this vocabulary file (under Number Sense and Operations, Algebra, Geometry, Statistics and Probably and Measurement), as well as from the last few chapters in your textbook.

***Revision*** You have to select at least 35 words.
**Reminder**Due April 21st

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Acuity Assessment

Please review the results of the three math assessments you took this year at
In most cases your USERNAME is your first and last name (without any spaces). Your PASSWORD is your Student ID number. (Please see me if you do not have your student ID number.) You can find your student ID number on the booklet that was given out in class on Wednesday, April 8th.

The grades for the assessment that you took this week should be available in one or two weeks.

Be sure to record all Acuity scores on your tracking sheet. Write down your score along with the level. According to Acuity the Levels are broken down as follows:
Tier 1 ( 0-25%), Tier 2 ( 26-50%), Tier 3 ( 51-75%), and Tier 4 (76-100%).

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

TI-83 Calculator Application (Permission from your parent/guardian is required)

Celia found the following online graphing calculator application:

Before you download the calculator be sure to ask for permission from your parent/guardian.

The application is a little confusing at first, but if you follow the directions carefully you can get a virtual graphing calculator (similar to the one I showed you in class).

Click download (underneath the picture of the calculator) and Click the TI-83 Plus SDK
Once the application is download

Open up the application
File new
Select TI-83 Plus
View Calculator
Debug Go

Your calculator should be fully functional. Enjoy practicing with your virtual calculator!

The application is from Texas Instruments and I assume no liability relating to the application. Before downloading any applications be sure to read all information relating to the download.

If you have downloaded the application please share your thoughts with the rest of the class.

Extra Credit

Complete the below quizzes for Extra Credit. Write your name, class, date and hand it in at the end of the period. Due before Tuesday. You may have problems printing all the problems. You may have to copy and paste the files into a word document before printing. In order to receive credit all questions must be completed and printed out.

Please let me know if you have any questions. Good Luck!

Extra Credit Quiz #1

Extra Credit Quiz #2

Extra Credit Quiz #3

8-7/ 8-10 Reminder

Hello 8-7/ 8-10,
I hope these last two days have been going well. I will be back in school on Friday. I have many important items that I would like to share:

  • 8th grade math Assessment on Friday (bring in pencils)
  • Review for Friday's Assessment
  • Review math scores from Acuity assessments taken earlier in the year.
  • Bring in all HW assignments from this week
  • Journal due: Predict what grade you got for the 3rd quarter. Be specific.
  • Vacation HW: You will be given a practice Regents exam, as well as a project. Directions for the project will be posted in a subsequent submission.
  • In June, all students will be responsible for teaching a lesson to the class. Start thinking and researching a project that you would like to teach. I would recommend teaching an Integrated Algebra topic.

Please post a comment to the blog stating that you have read the above. In addition, please inform all your classmates to read this posting and post a comment.


Mrs. Nuzzo Ziegler

8-2 Math Dictionary Project

Project description below. Select words from the vocabulary file under the five Content Strands (Number Sense and Operations, Algebra, Geometry, Statistics and Probably and Measurement).

***Revision*** You have select at least 35 words. 

Due April 20th

8-2 Reminders

Hello 8-2,

I hope these last two days have been going well. I will be back in school on Friday. I have many important items that I would like to share:

  • 8th grade math Assessment on Friday (bring in pencils)
  • Integrated Algebra Predictive Assessment on Monday (bring in pencils) (scores will be available in approximately one week and can be assessed online)
  • Review math scores from Acuity assessments taken earlier in the year.
  • Bring in signed Radicals test
  • Bring in all HW assignments from this week
  • Begin studying for the regents. Review Chapters 1-14, as well as how to use a graphing calculator.
  • Review all links to the right under "8-2 Regents Information."
  • Review graphing calculator procedures.
  • Vacation HW will be due on Monday, April 20th. You will be given a practice Regents exam, as well as a "Math Dictionary Project." Directions for the project will be posted in subsequent submission.

Please post a comment to the blog stating that you have read the above. In addition, please inform all your classmates to read this posting and post a comment.

Mrs. Nuzzo Ziegler